Products > Resuscitation Centre > Heal - HMI RC
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Automated Resuscitation Centre with HMI Based Touch Screen
Model: Heal - HMI RC
Description :
The Resuscitation Centre is remarkably convenient and user friendly, given its capabilities. The space around the infant is organized efficiently for the convenience of caregivers, the mother and visitors. The designed to provide warmth to preterm infants and simultaneously meet the critical situations that may arise in providing care for such babies.
About us
Resuscitation Centre
heal - HMI RC
heal - RC100
heal - RC
LED Phototherapy
heal - STP LED
heal - DSP LED
Open Care System
heal - OCS100
heal - OCSP101
heal - OCSP102
Baby Incubator
heal - ICI
Baby Incubator
Baby Trolley
Infant Radiant Warmer
heal - RWS
heal - RWAT
heal - RWDT
Oxygen Hood
heal - OXN/OXP